Build My Site


Thank you for choosing Class Creator help you create your class web site and organize your reunion.  The Class Creator experience will be simple fast and fairly easy.  There will be work to do, but your work will be rewarded by an event you can remember for years to come.

It should take less than 30 minutes to for you to build a fully functional web site. By the time you finish the following steps, you will have the basics of your site ready for you to begin working on your content for your classmates to enjoy.

Remember,  your class site comes with a 7 Day FREE Trial... we won't even ask you for any payment information in this process.  Build your site, get to know it.  Even add all the content that you wish to add.  At any time in the next 7 days, you can locate your Subscription link under the Admin Functions to select a subscription package.  But don't worry about that for now... let's just dive in and begin setting up your site.