Friday, August 9, 2013

The BIG Question

In Finding a Host and Decisions...Easy, I shared how I came to find a home for my class site and how my classmates chose to keep it through 2020. So we settled in, pages were good and classmates continued to join. I could step away, check on it from time-to-time and all would be fine. Honestly, I would not have been the only one doing so, but...

'Build it and they will come' works. Provide content that is interesting; give them the ability to connect using the site messaging system and guess what - they return again and again. Watching the statistics of log-ins, it happens on the three membership sites I built and maintain. This is where I bring up The BIG Question, you know you are wondering...

How much time will this take?
Answer: As little or as much time as you wish to put into it.
I admit, that is not a fair answer. The thing is we all have days, weeks or longer that we simply do not have the time to spruce up our sites - especially those of us who have 3, 5 or 10 year subscriptions. You have a choice. There is no reason to do it all alone - find someone to help with photos, put up surveys or maybe write a monthly article. As the one who started the site, you can add admins who work under your direction; and just for you, I have two tips that will help save time:

  • We share. As a site administrator on Class Creator, you are not alone and welcome to visit the forums where we all ask our 'how to' questions and share with each other. Example: You visit one of my sites and like the Christmas page or Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day page. (Yes, there IS a Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!) You would like to add it to your site but do not want to borrow it without asking. Trust me, I found it on another admin's site so go ahead - copy it. Yet if you ask me for it, I may have time to send you the coding and you are almost done!
  • Plan ahead. Whether you copy a page from another site or have an idea for a future holiday or event, you can create the page now without making it active. Then when its time, check the Active box and it is visible to your members! So when you have a rainy day or just want to spend some time on a site, plan ahead and build one or more pages to share with your members another day.
Yes, there are days or weeks I do little on my sites. Then it happens. I get going and do not want to stop. Hmmm... somewhat like this post.

Until next time...

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