Thursday, May 16, 2013

How Do Classmates Communicate Via The Web Site?

Your classmates can communicate in a variety of ways. Your web site will include numerous communication tools for your classmates to use to communicate with each other, none of which will require them to share their email address with classmates. Your classmate's email addresses are never published publicly with their privacy in mind.

Your site will include a Message Center in which classmates can send private messages directly to one another, as well as groups of classmates within the system.  You can also choose to activate your Message Forums which will encourage others to join in on the conversation.  You can set up individual topics such as High School Sports or Prom Memories, anything that will spark up a great trip down memory lane.

The Message / Announcement Board is more of a one page, ongoing area to post general comments for all to see.  In addition, your classmates will use Notify Me to select their Classmate Profile Subscriptions in which they will receive email alerts based upon their own specific Notify Me settings.

Of course one of the best ways for your classmates to inform others about their lives is to encourage them to update their Classmate Profiles page.  They can add photos, videos and stories about their lives today.  You can even customize the questions that they answer!

Platinum customers can take advantage of our Live Chat and Instant Messenger so that your classmates can communicate real time, instantly, when they see each other online.  

All of these communication tools are designed to enhance your class web site experience, keep the communication flowing and encourage your classmates to return to your site time and time again.  Once your classmates get involved, you can keep them involved!  That is the power of having a site admin who can keep things fresh and interesting by providing new content for the site keeps interest in your class alive!

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