Thursday, May 16, 2013

What Is The Maximum Width For Images or 3rd Party Objects I Embed On My Site?

It is important that you understand the width limitations of the pages of your site in terms of the photos you want to display and the third party objects that you want to embed on your pages.  These third party object would include Youtube videos, music players from sources such as and, as well as slide shows from and other popular sites.
  • HOME PAGE: Avoid uploading images or placing third party embedded objects on your home page that are any wider than 459 pixels. Your home page is designed with 2 columns one for Home Page Content and the other for your Right Hand Modules. Any images placed near the top the falls to the left of the Right Hand Modules needs to be no wider than 459 pixels.  If that area is occupied by your Announcements, see below. If any third party object code that you paste into the Source view contains widths that exceed 459 pixels, you will need to go back into the Source view and adjust the widths so your object is 459 pixels or less.
  • HOME PAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH NO BULLETS: Any images or third party embedded objects placed into the Source of your Announcements must be no wider than 437 pixels.
  • HOME PAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH BULLETS: Images or third party embedded objects inserted into the Source view of your Announcements area need to be no wider than 429 pixels wide if you opt to have the auto bullet feature turned on for your Announcements. This will place a bullet to the left of each Announcement.
  • SUB PAGES: All sub pages contain a body area that can display images and third party objects no wider than 685 pixels. You have precisely 685 pixels of space in your content area.  If your images or objects are any wider, you will notice that it effects the layout of the template.  This 685 width does provide a small area or white space that will surround your image to the left and right.
It is important that you check the way your site looks from time to time in different browsers.  There are 4 browsers that I typically check including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Each of these browsers handle content is a slightly different way.  If you ever have a classmate report to you that something is not looking quite right, be sure to ask them what browser they are viewing you site in so that you can take a closer look.  That is also important information for us, if you ultimately end up needing to contact us for assistance. 

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